Monday, February 17, 2014

Well this is me...

Hello As you can see, my pen name is Barney Stinson. the reason i chose him is because the change that he shows in himself throughout the series. Right now the same thing applies to me. Throughout the beginning of this class i have been what we call a tourist. Now after seeing a lot of the time and thought and meaning that is going onto these blogs and journals i decided to do that myself.

Some of my likes are sports, music, girls, hanging out with friends, family, warm weather, and having fun. I really like pretty much every sport. My favorite kind of music is Country. The reason i like it so much is because of the tone and the message that most songs portray. A lot of the songs are about making memories and looking back on the memories on the ones you have made in your life. Other ones are love songs or saying sorry to those who they've hurt. I'm so obsessed with country you could give me a line from a song and i can name the artist and the song.

I'm the kind of person that would give anything and everything to help somebody out. no matter who they are or what they have done to me. i just feel like that's the way I need to live and that's how i'll always live it. So if any of you need anything just ask Barney!!


  1. Love this post. Love your pen name. And love the concept.

  2. Welcome to the blogs (*it's about time).

    Okay, here's one:

    "i throwed out my shoulder, but I won her that teddy bear"
